Welcome to the home of the South African Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

SASBMB is a society of South African scientists who aim to promote the development and understanding of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in South Africa. 
SASBMB members include university students, postdoctoral fellows, junior researchers and established professional and academic scientists.


Please email Dr Nicky Verhoog at
nverhoog@sun.ac.za with any noteworthy news regarding any SASBMB members

sasbmb virtual seminar series

Virtual seminars hosted by SASBMB


SASBMB hosts a biennial national congress featuring lectures, seminars and poster presentations from students, junior researchers and established scientists. 


SASBMB is a society of South African scientists involved in biochemistry and molecular biology research. The society aims to promote the development and understanding of this research in South Africa and to facilitate communication among scientists.

SASBMB Medal winners

SASBMB has regularly sought to recognize consistent, outstanding achievements and contributions by its members. 

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